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Welcome to TitanHEALTH

TitanHEALTH leads the way in college wellbeing. Through treatment, prevention, promotion, and advocacy, we are your partner every step of the way.

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We offer presentations, tabling at outreach events, and other programming options to support the wellbeing of the CSUF community. To request a service from TitanHEALTH, please complete the TitanHEALTH Program Request Form at least three (3) weeks prior to the expected program date.

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View our Areas

TitanHEALTH is divided into three areas to help you navigate your health at CSUF. Open the drop down menus to learn more about what each area offers!

TitanMED Clinical Health Services

TitanMED is responsible for the health care of the students on campus. Students are encouraged to engage in conversations with their health care providers about treatment options and alternatives, effective prevention techniques and strategies, and appropriate testing, results and medications. TitanMED is fully accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care.

TitanWELL Health Promotion Services

Our diverse topic areas include CHOMP (Cooking Healthy & Optimal Movement), SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Group), and SIP (Substance Intervention & Prevention). We provide education on opioid overdose and Narcan training, sexual health consultations, and health and wellness coaching.

TitanTHRIVE Confidential Advocacy Services

We are a campus resource focused on: advocacy for students, faculty, and staff impacted by sexual violence; raising awareness of sexual violence as a cultural, social, and individual experience; and, supporting the development of a community of care across campus. We are dedicated to a trauma-informed and survivor-centered approach in all of our services and programming. 

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COVID-19 Testing

Students  who are experiencing symptoms or have recently been exposed. Appointments for testing can be made via the  Titan Health Portal  or by calling  (657) 278-2800 .

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